I am enjoying presenting my interviews at Library of Congress and American Legion. Most of them are WW2 interviews, and the last one is very good, and can be seen on YouTube. Harry Noisette was on a WW1 ship refitted here in Charleston. And was part of a convoy to protect aircraft carriers across the Atlantic from U-boots, and was credited with sinking a few. Then they landed troops on French Coast during that D day. And also Free French Troops at Algeria. After, Europe WW2 was over, their convoy cruised to Okinawa, where it was sunk by Kamikazis. He was awarded 2 bronze stars for his heroism. I met Harry at Roper, where I did my cardiac rehab, and continue at the fitness center. Harry still uses the fitness center 20 years after triple by-pass surgery and graduating from same cardiac rehab. The ships on the Convoy mostly have local names like Baker, Clemson, Roper, Berry, etc. Clemson was credited with sinking 8 U-boats and was also converted into small aircraft carrier for spotter planes, which helped a lot in spotting the U-boots. Harry saw one large U-boot servicing a smaller one, then was horrified to watch the larger one ram one of the convoy ships. Both vessels sunk, and Harry's boat went to the rescue of the Americans, and was able to pull most of them out of the oil-slick. Another interesting thing about Harry is that he is observing his 70th wedding anniversary Feb. 15th. He is a great role-model, being 20 years older, to keep on working out after graduating from cardiac rehab. The VA center sent me over to Roper, as the Cardiac Rehab there is run by one part-time physical therapist who is dedicated overworked and not much to work with. That could be a next fundraiser Larry! His YouTube video is seen at key words Ron Alexander, Harry Noisette, WW2 Navy Vet. And with my short one about Barry, Dogtags and Body Bags, A tribute to CWO Barry Alexander. Soon I will have one up on The Wisdom of WW2 Veterans.

This presented interview was with Sgt. Tom Barksdale, the last of Hogan's History, and he was quite a hero there awarded two bronze stars. There is a great book by the tunnel digger called THE FLAMES KEEPER. and credits "Pappy" (he was the oldest at 22) with saving the life of one of the navigators and was a leader in the POW barracks at Stalag 17.
Larry, the Library staff informed me that they are way understaffed and behind several years to digitalize the interviews, so with permission with vets and/or their families to move them to YouTube, are you interested in working with me to get your interview on YouTube? Thanks for your service and support, Ron Alexander
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