Sunday, February 26, 2017

Vietnam victims

May not agree politically with some, but they deserve to be treated with utmost respect. No body deserves what many of them went through. AND ALL DESERVED TO BE WELCOMED HOME!

Theda Parks My husband took those experiences to the grave.
Ron Alexander So sad, and I know some now that just cannot get those experiences out of their mind, not matter how hard they try.
Theda Parks He couldn't bring himself to see the wall with the names. Said he didn't need to see them because he'd never forget them

Ron Alexander I have met some of my Brother's Helicopter pilot buddies now and they have PTSD over his death. The day after his 22nd birthday party, the commanding officer sent him out on combat mission with only two weeks left. His Hooch mate said he intuited his death, and did not want to go out, as "he had been shot up several times already. He tried to get some of the younger ones to take his place. They turned him down, and their guilt adds to their PTSD. One became a chaplain to get over it, but still has it, and visits my Brother's grave in South Carolina several hours from his home in N. C

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Holocaust Victims

Carl Albert Fritz (Michael) Gerlich (15 February 1883 – 30 June 1934) was a German journalist and historian, and one of the main journalistic resistors of Adolf Hitler. He was arrested and later killed at the Dachau concentration camp.

Remember what happened last time? Let's stop the same thing from happening again! Last time it was Jews (and journalists, intellectuals, homosexuals, and arti...sts.)
This time it will be worse unless we stop it ~ the KKK still hates Jews and people of color, homosexuals, and more. We have White Supremacists in power now. Connect the dots and ACT!
Thank you.

In the 1920s and 1930s Americans thought of Hitler as a joke. His shrill voice and jerky hand movements made it difficult to take him seriously. But some of the first people to meet him didn't feel the same way. Junior military attaché Truman Smith said, "This is a marvelous demagogue w

Jewish Loss by Location of Death (close to 6 million deaths total)
With regard to the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust, best estimates for the breakdown of Jewish loss according to location of death follow:
Auschwitz complex (including Birkenau, Monowitz, and subcamps): approximately 1 million
Treblinka 2: approximately 925,000
Belzec: 434,508
Sobibor: at least 167,000
Chelmno: 156,000–172,000
Shooting operations at various locations in central and southern German-occupied Poland (the so-called Government General): at least 200,000
Shooting operations in German-annexed western Poland (District Wartheland): at least 20,000
Deaths in other facilities that the Germans designated as concentration camps: at least 150,000
Shooting operations and gas wagons at hundreds of locations in the German-occupied Soviet Union: at least 1.3 million
Shooting operations in the Soviet Union (German, Austrian, Czech Jews deported to the Soviet Union): approximately 55,000 Shooting operations and gas wagons in Serbia: at least 15,088

Shot or tortured to death in Croatia under the Ustaša regime: 23,000–25,000

Deaths in ghettos: at least 800,000

Other*: at least 500,000

*"Other" includes, for example, persons killed in shooting operations in Poland in 1939–1940; as partisans in Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, France or Belgium; in labor battalions in Hungary; during antisemitic actions in Germany and Austria before the war; by the Iron Guard in Romania, 1940–1941; and on evacuation marches from concentration camps and labor camps in the last six months of World War II. It also includes people caught in hiding and killed in Poland, Serbia, and elsewhere in German-occupied Europe

WW2 Fatalities

Over 60 million people were killed, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count of human losses. World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total deaths ranging from 50 million to more than 80 million.

World War II casualties - Wikipedia

How many American soldiers were killed during World War 2?
Deaths by Country
CountryMilitary DeathsTotal Civilian and Military Deaths
Soviet Union8,800,000-10,700,00024,000,000
United Kingdom383,600450,700
United States416,800418,500
Image result for how many nazi soldiers died in ww2
However the German government still maintains that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel. Civilian deaths during the war include air raid deaths, estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000 to 500,000.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

WW2 vet with veteran grandfather holding his granddaughter

This is a current photo: 2-23-21016
PFC Finney was my second interview:
WW II wounded hero with granddaughter of veteran holding her and Chaplain on right. It was a great beautful meeting of four generations.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Saying FDR was just as bad as Hitler, because he had Germany bombed...

Thanks Becky, I interview WW2 VETS for the Library of Congress and have researched the war deeply. So to read that article you shared comparing Hitler to FDR really upset me. I could give you many reasons why, but hope you understand? Here is photo of last pilot from that era I interviewed 2 weeks ago.
Image may contain: 5 people, indoor


Thank you Becky, it is very important that we teach the correct history. FDR and our armed forces are the reason Hitler and the Nazis were defeated. We lost 26000 airmen (2 of 5) 28000 Pows just from that bombing campaign. And most were teenagers.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Corporal Moulton and fanatic Nazi Youth Soldiers

After seeing the photo of Trump Youth below, I put together this short video of WW2 vet I interviewed who was heartsick at having to kill fanatic Nazi youth soldiers. Let this be a warning from history.
AngryShow more reactions
Oh no,
Hitler Youth were the most fanatic nazis, and the hardest to reform. Trumpism needs to be stopped with humiliating impeachment along with conviction for treason for him and several of his honcho especially Bannon!
Just. Wow.

A group of high school seniors in Texas gave the Nazi salute and shouted “Hail Trump” during a class photograph, KPRC Channel 2 reports.